Vinerie Timeline
Learn more about how our winery got its start, and how it has grown.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
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Luigi and Maria Bertoli were married and not long afterwards they started their vineyard in the Lisboa wine region of Portugal.
Baby Silvinio was born to his proud parents, and grew up working in the vineyards and learning wine making from the ground up.
Silvinio emigrated to Canada, to establish his own vineyard, and soon Vinerie was born. Planting of 10 acres of Chardonnay grapes began.
10 more acres of Pino Noir grapes, one of the most popular grapes in the region, were planted. In 1997 we began producing Pinot Noir.
We opened our new tasting room, overlooking the vineyard, with a lovely patio to enjoy a glass of one of our fine wines.
Vinerie wines was very proud to take home two gold, two silver, and one bronze medal at the annual Tasters Guild wine awards.
Our story continues as Silvinio hands over the day to day running of the vineyard to his son Emilio, along with his wife Alexandra.